Stay in Qingshan and win the future! The report on the work
Views: time:2020-05-25 14:19
On May 22, 十三届全国人民代表大会第三次会议在人民大会堂开幕. Li Keqiang, premier of the State Council, 在政府工作报告中强调,要加大宏观政策的实施力度,稳定企业,保障就业. To ensure employment and people's livelihood, 要稳住亿万市场主体,全力扶持企业, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and individual businesses to tide over difficulties. The report attracted the industry's keen attention.
Focus 1:
稳定企业就业的措施之一就是加大减税降费力度. The report said that we should strengthen phased policies, combine them with institutional arrangements, release water and raise fish, and help market players to rescue and develop. This year, 继续落实降低增值税税率、企业养老保险费率等制度, and increase tax cuts and reduce fees by about 500 billion yuan. In the early stage, 6月前的减税降费政策出台, 包括免除缴纳中小企业养老保险, unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance units, reduction of small-scale taxpayers' value-added tax, exemption from value-added tax on public transport, catering and accommodation, tourism and entertainment, culture and sports and other services, 减免民航发展基金和港口建设费. The implementation period was all extended to the end of this year. 小微企业和个体工商户所得税将推迟到明年缴纳. It is expected to reduce the burden for enterprises by more than 2.5 trillion yuan in the whole year. 坚决落实对企业减税降费政策, save the green hills and win the future.
Feng Lizhao, 全国人大代表、石家庄常山北京科技有限公司恒盛纺织分公司., Ltd., 建议地方政府研究出台降低土地使用税等措施, 并通过金融的“减法”来交换企业的“加法”. By further reducing various tax burdens of real enterprises, reducing the operating costs of enterprises, broadening the profit space of enterprises, creating favorable conditions for scientific development, innovative development and high-quality development of enterprises.
Focus 2:
Let the cost of comprehensive financing decrease significantly
加强金融支持稳定企业也是政府措施的重点. According to the report, 将中小微企业贷款展期政策延长至明年3月底. 尽可能延长普惠性小微企业贷款展期, 对其他困难企业的贷款延期应协商解决. Encourage banks to substantially increase credit loans, first loans and non repayment loans for small and micro enterprises. 大幅扩大政府融资担保覆盖面,大幅降低担保费率. 大型商业银行普惠性小微企业贷款增速均高于40%. Support enterprises to expand bond financing. Strengthen supervision and prevent arbitrage of "idle transfer" of funds. Financial institutions and loan enterprises coexist and prosper, and encourage banks to make reasonable profits. In order to protect the main body of the market, 要显著提高中小微企业贷款可得性,显著降低综合融资成本.
冯立超建议,对于经营正常且有竞争力的产品和服务市场的企业, 实行“不还本金、延期贷款”,降低企业借新还旧带来的隐性融资成本, relieve the capital pressure of real economy enterprises, hedge the impact of epidemic situation, help enterprises to tide over difficulties and recover their vitality, 更有效地促进经济社会发展全面进入正常轨道. 此外,贷款的用途不限于购买原材料. 允许支付工资、保险、水电费、煤气费、税金等. It not only brings convenience to the borrower, but also helps to strengthen the supervision of the loan funds.
Focus 3:
Promote the upgrading of manufacturing industry
中国制造业在这场抗疫运动中发挥了巨大作用. 报告提出,要推动制造业升级和新兴产业发展. 大幅增加制造业中长期贷款. Develop industrial Internet and promote intelligent manufacturing. The new formats of e-commerce, 网络购物和网络服务在抗击疫情中发挥了重要作用. We should continue to introduce support policies, comprehensively promote the "Internet plus", and create a new advantage in digital economy.
Xia Changliang, 全国政协委员、天津理工大学校长, proposed that in the future, 抓住产业数字化的机遇,着力建设纺织行业互联网平台和大数据中心. Build an industrial Internet platform across the textile industry, realize the aggregation and sharing of industrial manufacturing resources, build a digital hub of the industry, build a big data center of the textile industry, and promote the digital transformation of the industry.
Affected by the epidemic, the role of e-commerce is prominent. Qiu Guanghe, 全国人大代表、温州森马服装董事长, 表示希望政府有关部门根据澳门皇冠在线app的实际情况,推出分阶段的用户流量扶持政策, so as to reduce the e-commerce operation cost of enterprises. In addition, 地方各级政府要出台电子商务创业扶持政策, 加强各地区电子商务公共澳门赌博平台建设和推广, 为外贸转内销企业提供服务和指导, including enterprises whose textile and clothing innovation is included, 政府对企业网络销售的电子商务平台使用成本给予补贴.
Focus 4:
Improve residents' willingness and ability to consume
In view of the domestic demand, the report proposes to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, 促进经济发展方式转变,加快转化内需潜力, deepen the supply side structural reform, highlight the people's livelihood orientation, and effectively combine and promote consumption and investment expansion. Promote the recovery of consumption. We will ensure people's livelihood by stabilizing employment, increasing incomes, and improving residents' willingness and ability to consume.
Shao Changjin, 全国人大代表、新乡白鹭投资集团董事长, Henan Province, suggested that the government, with the help of the National Rural Revitalization Strategy, issue specific consumption vouchers to rural residents, including textile and clothing, white household appliances, etc., to guide and support the upgrading of rural residents' consumption, activate the rural market, expand domestic demand and smooth production and consumption


Jiangxi Xinlong Textile Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992 in Nanchang, the hero city. It is an old enterprise with a history of nearly 30 years. With a steady and solid drive, 目前在全省纺织企业综合排名中处于前列. Through nearly 30 years of development, 公司从一家小型纺织企业逐步发展成为集纺织为一体的大型综合性企业, clothing, leather and electromechanical.

address: 1069 Jinsha 1st Road, Xiaolan Economic Development Zone, Nanchang County, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province

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